Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation
Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation is a natural, non-invasive and inexpensive way to keep you looking young.
It has the unique ability to deal with underlying conditions within the body that affect the face. This procedure stimulates cells to lay down collagen under wrinkles in order to fill them in and reduces sagging around eyes, cheeks and chin. It also improves and evens out muscle tone and elasticity and promotes blood and lymph flow.
Body points are treated as well, assuring that as your face starts to look younger and, your body becomes healthier.
Eliminates fine lines and diminishes deep wrinkles
Tones facial muscles and improves elasticity
Encourages collagen and elastin production
Reduces bags and sagging around eyes, cheeks and chin
Tightens pores, improves facial color including darkness under the eyes
Moisturizes skin by promoting fluid and blood circulation
Improves skin conditions including but not limited to acne, hyperpigmentation, eczema, scars, broken capillaries, rosacea and dermatitis
Your1st Facial Acupuncture Treatment will include a comprehensive and thorough diagnostic intake with discussion. $100/60 min
Each Subsequent Facial Acupuncture Treatment $85/60 min
Acupuncture Series - 1 hour Free - Buy 6 for the price of 5 - $425
Amy Goldberg llc Acc
Amy Goldberg is a licensed acupuncturist and massage therapist having earned a Master of Science Degree in Acupuncture from the Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences in New York City and a diploma from the South Carolina Massage and Esthetics Institute in Bluffton, SC. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology from the University of Massachusetts. Her pre-acupuncture and massage years were spent digging up historical sites in Manhattan and previous to that, worked with renowned doctors at Harvard teaching hospitals in both the Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatric departments.
She has received certification in Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation as well as in the use of essential oils according to Chinese Medicine. In addition, she is a certified Acupuncture Detoxification Specialist having received training at Lincoln Medical and Mental Health Center's Acupuncture Training Institute in Bronx, NY. She supervised the acupuncture program at the Freedom Institute, a private drug rehabilitation clinic in Manhattan, has worked in multidisciplinary pain clinics and in hotel and day spas.
Following the World Trade Center attack, she worked at Manhattan's St. Vincent's Hospital Stress Clinic which provided stress relief using acupuncture treatments. She specializes in Swedish and Deep Tissue massage and is also certified in Medical, Lymphatic Drainage and Cupping Massage.