Dream Time Shamanic Journey Reiki & Massage 90 min $195
Owing to the intuition necessary for shamanic reiki massage,
Janet follows the historic practice of fasting and meditation 24 hours in advance to maintain the depth for this type of therapy.
An empowering visionary experience to access the deepest place within for inner knowing. Each individualized session of this meditative shamanic reiki style massage utilizes universal life force and includes : soothing massage, helpful visionary
and intuitive insights, sound healing, energizing and stabilizing of one's chakras, including traditional American Indian Totem visionary bonuses.
Includes a 15 min follow up consultation after the massage.
A little skeptical at first but wanted to try this and was amazed by the outcome. Had an out of body experience in a manner I have never experienced before. Took me to a visionary place which had great meaning for me. Janet's kind manner and obvious experience in this field put me totally at ease and comfortable and I was able to put complete trust in her. I'm looking forward to my next session!
Thank You!
Richard Bucci 2/25/2014